Optimization and Problem Solving Laboratory

5th AIRO Young Workshop

What is AIROYoung?

AIRO Young is part of the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO). Its aim is to foster collaboration between students and early-career researchers interested in the field of OR, and to provide them with new opportunities to advance their career and expand their network. It also strives to connect the demand and the offer in the OR job market, both in academia and in the industry.


About the Workshop

The fifth AIROYoung workshop aims at promoting the sharing of knowledge about advanced methodologies and applications which span several overwhelming research areas.

These initiatives also aim at providing a networking opportunity between young researchers from all over the world and at fostering dialogue and collaborations among students, academics, and practitioners.

The scope of the workshop is to experiment interactions between OR and other research communities from various sectors (applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics, etc.). Following the positive experience of last year workshop, also this year we are open to the most advanced interactions between different branches of research, such as machine learning and data science.