Optimization and Problem Solving Laboratory


The event will be run as a virtual conference. Springer will support the organizing committee in managing the virtual conference by using ZOOM, a stable platform and well known at a global level.

The participants will receive all the information on "How to access the joint event" by email within  February 5th, 2021. Please check the email you used to register at the event in the following days.

The lecturers and plenary speakers will held their lessons/seminars in virtual presence. All the lectures will be recorded and made available on the website.

The event was initially planned in blended form. In which case, the physical venue would have been the Conference Room of Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche in Naples (Italy) (http://www.societanazionalescienzeletterearti.it/). The pandemic situation and the restrictions about the movements among states and regions prevent to held the event in physical presence.